How to access shared mailboxes



How to access a shared mailbox


A shared mailbox can be set to display automatically, or be accessed in Outlook (not new Outlook) in the following different ways. However, a mailbox should not be added to Outlook in multiple ways at the same time.


Add as an account (any mailbox)

  1. In Outlook (not new Outlook), select File > Account Settings > Account Settings... > New...
  2. Provide the mailbox's email address
  3. When prompted for credentials, replace email address with your username in the format and your single sign-on (SSO) password
  4. Provide any necessary confirmations, then restart Outlook.

Map to an existing account (small mailbox)

  1. In Outlook (not new Outlook), select File > Account Settings > Account Settings...
  2. Highlight your email address.
  3. Select Change... > More Settings
  4. Select the Advanced tab > Add...
  5. Provide the mailbox email address, then OK

Other email applications

For other email applications, you can access the account using its single sign-on (SSO) and password in the same way as for personal mailboxes.


How to send mail from a shared mailbox


  1. Start to compose or reply to an email
  2. If the From field is not displayed, select Options > Show From button
  3. Select the From button to select an alternate sending addresses

If the alternate address is not displayed:

  1. Select the From button > Other E-mail Address... > From...
  2. Change the Address Book to Global Address List
  3. Locate and add the email address using the Search field


How to access a shared mailbox


  1. Select Tools > Accounts
  2. Select the account that has access to the shared mailbox
  3. Outlook: Select Delegation and Sharing > Shared With Me tab
    Legacy Outlook: Select Advanced... > Delegates
  4. For the Open these additional mailboxes section, select +
  5. Provide the name or email address of the mailbox, then Add

Other email applications

For other email applications, you can access the account using its single sign-on (SSO) and password in the same way as for personal mailboxes.


How to send mail from a shared mailbox


  1. Start to compose or reply to an email
  2. If the From field is not displayed, select the top right double chevron icon
  3. Select the chevron icon next to the from address to display the alternate sending addresses


How to access a shared mailbox


  1. Open the Outlook app
  2. Select the top left Outlook icon
  3. Select the envelope plus icon
  4. Select Add a shared mailbox
  5. Type the email address of the mailbox to open

Other email applications

For other email applications, you can access the account using its single sign-on (SSO) and password in the same way as for personal mailboxes.


How to send mail from a shared mailbox


  1. Add the shared mailbox
  2. Click on the top left Outlook icon, switch to the account, then send the message
    - or -
    When composing a message, click on the default email address and select another


How to access a shared mailbox


  1. Open the Outlook app
  2. Select the top left Outlook icon
  3. Select the envelope plus icon
  4. Select Add a shared mailbox
  5. Type the email address of the mailbox to open

Other email applications

For other email applications, you can access the account using its single sign-on (SSO) and password in the same way as for personal mailboxes.


How to send mail from a shared mailbox


  1. Add the shared mailbox
  2. Click on the top left Outlook icon, switch to the account, then send the message
    - or -
    When composing a message, click on the default email address and select another
Outlook on the Web


How to access a shared mailbox

Access the mailbox directly or from a shared folder in your own mailbox.


Direct access

  1. In a web browser, go to Outlook on the web
  2. Sign in using your SSO username in the format and SSO password
  3. Select your picture or initials in the upper-right corner
  4. Select Open another mailbox
  5. Type the name or email address of the mailbox to open
  6. Select the mailbox, then Open

Alternatively, in a web browser go to (substituting the correct email address).


Add the mailbox as a shared folder

  1. In a web browser, go to Outlook on the web
  2. Sign in using your SSO username in the format and SSO password
  3. In the column containing mailbox folders, right click on Folders
  4. Select Add shared folder
  5. Type the name or email address of the mailbox to add
  6. Select the mailbox, then Add

How to send mail from a shared mailbox

  1. Start to compose or reply to an email
  2. If From information does not show next to the Send button, select > Compose and reply > Always show From
  3. Select next to the From address to select an alternate sending address
  4. If the alternate address is not displayed, select Other email address... then type in the address

Microsoft also provide details on how to access and use shared mailboxes.

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