Resource mailbox

A resource mailbox allows authorised users to book rooms and resources within your unit. If your unit would like to use this Nexus365 feature, you can apply for a resource mailbox.

Resource mailboxes have two types of administrators:

  • Resource manager: Someone with Full Access permissions over the resource mailbox
  • Resource delegate: A nominated person who approves the resource mailbox bookings

Once the resource mailbox is created, the resource manager must configure the mailbox before allowing users access. The resource manager can also request that delegates are added.

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To access the resource settings for a resource, the Resource Manager has to log in to their own mailbox first. Then click on the Resource Manager's name in the top right corner of the page:
select mailbox field

Type in the username or email address of the resource account and select Open. Only a Resource Manager can log in to a Resource Mailbox.

Once you have logged in, select Options  > See All Options...

On the Options page, select Settings from the left-hand menu, then the Resource tab.

In the first section the Resource Manager can set up scheduling options for the Resource Mailbox:
resource scheduling options screen

The options available are:

  • Automatically process meeting requests and cancellations
    • This setting allows the system itself to administer the booking of resources.
  • Disable reminders
    • If left unticked the person booking the resource/room will receive reminders about their booking.
  • Maximum number of days in advance resources can be booked
    • This sets the maximum number of days in advance that the resource/room can be booked.
  • Always decline if the end date is beyond this limit
    • The booking is refused if it is beyond the date specified here.
  • Limit meeting duration
    • If this is ticked, the resource/room cannot be booked for longer than the number of minutes specified in the [Maximum allowed minutes] box (see below).
  • Maximum allowed minutes
    • This will be the maximum time allowed for a booking if [Limit meeting duration] is selected (see above).
  • Allow scheduling only during working hours
    • Ticking this box restricts the resource/room booking to working hours (as defined in the Calendar Work Week section of the Calendar Options for this mailbox).
  • Allow repeating meetings
    • Ticking this box allows users to book repeating meetings in this resource/room.
  • Allow conflicts
    • Ticking this box allows two or more people to book the resource/room for the same time. The Resource Manager will then need to decide who gets the resource.
  • Allow up to this number of individual conflicts
    • This sets the maximum number of schedule conflicts that are allowed for a meeting with this resource. If more than this number of attendees have conflicts, the meeting will be declined by the resource.
  • Allow up to this percentage of individual conflicts
    • This sets the maximum percentage of schedule conflicts that are allowed for a meeting with this resource. If more than this percentage of attendees have conflicts, the meeting will be declined by the resource. The default is 0, i.e. no conflicts are allowed.

In this section the Resource Manager sets who can book resources. This can be from everyone in the University to just a single person.scheduling permissions

The settings available are:

  • Choose users and groups that have permission to schedule this resource by sending a meeting request. These users can schedule automatically if the resource is available.

    Options are:

  • Everyone: all members of the University can book the resource
  • Select users and groups: only specifically selected people can book the resource. State who is allowed to book by adding their names to the [Select one or more...] box.

    NB: The Nexus team do not manage custom group memberships but this can be delegated to an individual.

  • These users can submit a request for owner approval if the resource is available.

The functional difference here is that the specified users/group can only request the room, not book it outright. When the request is made, the resource will be tentatively booked, but the actual confirmation of booking must be approved by the Resource Delegate.

  • Again, if you allow 'Everyone' here, then all of the University will be able to request the resource. Alternatively, state who is allowed to book by adding their names to the [Select one or more...] box.
  • Contact the Nexus team if you need your department (group) to be added. Allowing a group will add all the members in the department.

NB: The Nexus team do not manage custom group memberships but this can be delegated to an individual.

  • These users can schedule automatically if the resource is available and can submit a request for manual approval if the resource is unavailable

This option is useful to give someone who has more authority (e.g.: Head of the Department/College, Administrator etc) in the department the ability to book a resource if it is available and submit a request to book if the resource is unavailable. You should state who is allowed to book by this method by adding their names to the [Select one or more...] box.

Contact the Nexus team if you need your department (group) to be added. Allowing a group will add all the members in the department.

   NB: The Nexus team do not manage custom group memberships but this can be delegated to an individual.

There are various privacy settings available for a resource. If you need to change them, please contact the Nexus team. By default, all 'Privacy options' are enabled.
resource privacy options

  • Always add the organizer name to the meeting subject
    • If you want the organiser's name to appear in the meeting subject, select this option.
  • Always remove the private flag on an accepted meeting
    • It is suggested that this option is left unticked
  • When declining meeting requests due to a conflicting meeting
    • Include detailed information about conflicting meetings in response
    • Include organizer's name in conflict information
  • Always delete the following when sent to this resource:
    • E-mail messages
    • Attachments from meeting requests
    • Comments from meeting requests
    • Subject of meeting requests

It is up to the Resource Manager how these options are set.

The final section allows you to write your own standard Response Message back to the person submitting the resource booking.


Secondary mailbox

Resource mailbox

OWA option


[Options/ Resource Settings] for resource management

Account identification in GAL (Outlook only)


Easy identification due to different icons used

Free/ Busy information



Calendar sharing

Must be shared in order to view content

Does not need to be shared to schedule meetings

Calendar updates (Automate Processing)

'Auto update' by default.

Nexus Team will set to 'Auto Accept'

Publishing calendar

Full calendar

Calendar is not published. Resource availability is via free/busy information

'Send As' permission

* Server side setting. Must add users manually

Resource manager gets 'Send on Behalf' of by default

'Full Access'

* Server side setting.

Resource manager is given 'Full Access' permissions.


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