If you are upgrading to a new machine, using the HFS Storage Protect backup/restore client software to move your data from one machine to another can be a convenient way to move your data. If you can no longer access the data on your old machine (such as if it has been lost or stolen, or its hard drive is no longer working), then a restore is the way to get your data back.
The first thing to check is that you are moving data between two similar operating systems. For example, moving data from a Windows 10 machine to a Windows 11 machine is not likely to be problematic; but the client does not support cross-platform restores, so you cannot restore Windows or Linux data to a Mac for example. If you are moving between different types of operating systems please contact hfs@ox.ac.uk and let us know what you are trying to achieve; we will then advise you on the best course of action.
If you are moving between two similar Windows operating systems:
- If possible, ensure that you have an up-to-date backup of the old machine, this can be done by following the instructions for completing a manual backup.
- Ensure that the new machine is itself registered for the HFS Storage Protect backup service and that it has the Storage Protect client software installed and working. This can be done by following our instructions on getting started.
- With both old and new machines registered, go to the HFS Portal.
- You should see your old node and new node, plus others if you have multiple nodes.
- Select your old node.
- Select the Details tab and make a note of the Server, Server IP name, and Server TCP port entries.
- Select List my nodes to return to the list of your nodes.
- Select your new node.
- Select the Details tab and make a note of the Server, Server IP name, and Server TCP port entries.
- If the server details are:
- the same, follow Nodes are on the same server.
- different, follow Nodes are on different servers.
Nodes are on the same server
If both old and new nodes are registered with the same Storage Protect server:
- On the new machine, create a new shortcut on the desktop by right clicking on the Windows desktop and selecting New > Shortcut.
- Add the location below, replacing OLDNODE with the old node name
"C:\Program Files\tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.exe" -virtualnodename=OLDNODE
- Name the shortcut something like "Temp Storage Protect Client"
- Double click on the new shortcut.
- When prompted, provide the Storage Protect password for your old node.
- You can follow the instructions for restoring files and folders, with the following limitations:
- You will have to select Restore files to an alternative location.
- You can not Restore files to their current location.
Nodes are on different servers
If both old and new nodes are registered with different Storage Protect servers:
- On the new machine, make a copy of the file dsm.opt within C:\Program Files\Tivoli\TSM\baclient\.
- Move the copied file from to the root C:\.
- Rename the moved to dsm-temp.opt.
- Open dsm-temp.opt in notepad:
- Replace the entry directly after TCPServeraddress with the Server IP Name noted earlier.
- Replace the entry directly after TCPPort with the Server Port noted earlier.
- Create a new shortcut on the desktop by right clicking on the Windows desktop and selecting New > Shortcut.
- Add the location below, replacing OLDNODE with the old node name
"C:\Program Files\tivoli\TSM\baclient\dsm.exe" -virtualnodename=OLDNODE -optfile="c:\dsm-temp.opt"
- Name the shortcut something like "Temp Storage Protect Client", then Finish.
- Double click on the new shortcut.
- When prompted, provide the Storage Protect password for your old node.
- You can follow the instructions for restoring files and folders, with the following limitations:
- You will have to select Restore files to an alternative location.
- You can not Restore files to their current location.
Tidying up after restoring to a new machine
If you have restored to a new machine then there are some tasks that need to be completed: only perform these tasks when you have finished restoring data from the old node, and it is no longer required.
- Tidying up the new node
If you created a dsm-temp.opt file then delete this file from the root of your C:\ drive.
If you created a temporary shortcut on your desktop (suggested name was Temp Storage Protect Client), delete the shortcut.
- Tidying up the old node
If you are still able to access the machine, remove the Storage Protect client.
Deregister the old node using the deregistration instructions.
If you are moving between two similar Mac operating systems:
- If possible, ensure that you have an up-to-date backup of the old machine, this can be done by following the instructions for completing a manual backup.
- Contact hfs@ox.ac.uk, mentioning this web page, to ask the HFS Team to rename your filespace that you want to restore from. This is so that you do not accidentally back up your new machine's data in the same filespace as that would mark your old, wanted data, for deletion.
- Once you have heard that the filespace has been set aside, you can proceed with the restore.
- You will need to access the old filespace for your node, for which you will need your Storage Protect password for the node. To obtain the password go to the HFS Portal, select the node name, then Change node password in the side menu.
To restore the data from your backup to the new machine, you need install the Storage Protect client on your new machine. Use the nodename of the account where your old data set is held.
You can follow the instructions for restoring files and folders, with the following limitations:
- You will be able to select Restore files to an alternative location.
- Depending on the location of the files that you want to restore, you may not be able to Restore files to their current location.
Tidying up after restoring to a new machine
If you have restored to a new machine then there are some tasks that need to be completed: only perform these tasks when you have finished restoring data from the old node, and it is no longer required.
Tidying up the new node
Please contact hfs@ox.ac.uk when you are finished restoring and have backed up your new machine, so that the HFS Team know that they may delete the old data set.
Tidying up the old node
If you are still able to access the machine, remove the Storage Protect client.
Deregister the old node using the deregistration instructions.
If you are moving between two similar Linux operating systems:
- If possible, ensure that you have an up-to-date backup of the old machine, this can be done by following the instructions for completing a manual backup.
- Contact hfs@ox.ac.uk, mentioning this web page, to ask the HFS Team to rename your filespace that you want to restore from. This is so that you do not accidentally back up your new machine's data in the same filespace as that would mark your old, wanted data, for deletion.
- Once you have heard that the old filespace has been set aside, you can proceed with the restore.
- You will need to access the old filespace for your node, for which you will need the Storage Protect password for the node. To obtain this go to the HFS Portal, select the node name, then Change node password in the side menu.
To restore the data from your backup to the new machine, you need install the HFS Storage Protect client on your new machine. Use the nodename of the account where your old data set is held.
You can follow the instructions for restoring files and folders, with the following limitations:
- You will be able to select Restore files to an alternative location.
- Depending on the location of the files that you want to restore, you may not be able to Restore files to their current location.
Tidying up after restoring to a new machine
If you have restored to a new machine then there are some tasks that need to be completed: only perform these tasks when you have finished restoring data from the old node, and it is no longer required.
Tidying up the new node
Please contact hfs@ox.ac.uk when you are finished restoring and have backed up your new machine, so that the HFS Team know that they may delete the old data set.
Tidying up the old node
If you are still able to access the machine, remove the Storage Protect client.
Deregister the old node using the deregistration instructions.