How to install and maintain Drupal with comprehensive web hosting

Management of Drupal installations on our comprehensive web hosting service generally requires access using SSH. View our How to connect using SSH / SFTP guide for information on suitable clients.

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  1. Connect using SSH to and login with your site administrator credential. Then change into the htdocs folder and begin the installation:
    $ cd <site-name>/htdocs/
    $ drush dl drupal-7
    $ cd drupal-<number>
    $ mv * .??* ..
    $ cd ..
    $ rm -rf drupal-<number>
  2. You could then edit the .htaccess file to prepend some lines to restrict access to the site until it is ready to launch, e.g.:
    <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>
    Require ip
    Require ip
    Require ip
    <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from
    Allow from
    Allow from
  3. Use a web browser to visit your site, then set it up:
    Standard or minimal number of modules pre-enabled - these can be changed later
    Select English
    Enter the database name, database username and password, then select Advanced Options and enter the database host, e.g.
    Use a unique outgoing site email address, e.g. do-not-reply@<site-name>
    Enter details of a maintenance account - this should have the email address of the site administrator

  4. Once the site is ready to launch, alter the .htaccess file again if require to allow public access

For full install instructions see

  1. Connect to, then put the site into maintenance mode and clear the caches:
    $ cd <site-name>/htdocs/
    $ drush vset --yes maintenance_mode 1
    $ drush cc all
  2. Back up the database:
    $ mysqldump -u siteXXXX_YYYY -h -p database-name > ../home/name-of-file.dump
  3. Check the drupal version:
    $ drush core-status --fields="Drupal version"
  4. Backup site files that the update process will overwrite with defaults:
    $ cp .htaccess ../home/
    $ cp robots.txt ../home/
  5. Update drupal core (this can take a few minutes, be patient):
    $ drush up drupal

    Note that this creates a "drush-backups" folder in your home directory on, which is not backed up or accessible to other users, and is not part of your website.

  6. Compare the two files backed up earlier, to check that nothing important has been overwritten:
    $ diff .htaccess ../home/.htaccess
    $ diff robots.txt ../home/robots.txt
  7. Take the site out of maintenance mode:
    $ drush vset --yes maintenance_mode 0
    $ drush cc all
  8. Check that the site works, then update individual modules one at a time. If a plugin or other code cannot be updated or is no longer supported, then consider whether it is safe to use.

For full details see the official Drupal upgrade guide.

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