How to set up a Teams Rooms device

The guidance here should work with all Teams Rooms certified systems.

Step 1: Set up a Teams Rooms account

For staff in colleges and departments:

Speak with your local IT team to confirm or set up a suitable Teams Rooms account.


  1. Check if there is already a resource account used for booking the room
  2. If you need a new resource account then use the secondary account request form to submit details of the required resource account (select the Nexus resource mailbox option).
  3. Request configuration of the resource account for use with Teams Rooms using IT self-service: select Submit a Request, search for "teams room", select Create Teams Room

For staff in UAS:

  1. Check if there is already a resource account used for booking the room
  2. If you need a new resource account then request this using IT self-service: select Submit a Request, search for "uas account", select UAS Generic Account Request
  3. Contact IT Services to request configuration of the resource account for use with Teams Rooms. Please confirm the resource account display name, email address and a cost centre to receive the Teams Room licence and call costs

Step 2: Configuring the Teams Room device

The process to configure a Teams Room device is usually model-specific: do read through the user guide for your device before proceeding.

  1. Connect the device according to the user guide
  2. Ensure that the device has power and network, then turn it on and leave for 24hrs to allow any updates to install. The login process in the next step will normally fail if a Teams update is pending, and the update cannot be initiated manually
  3. Refer to the user guide to confirm, and change, the default administrator password. Record this in a secure password store as it cannot be retrieved / reset later. Some device models require you to complete the next configuration step before you can change the administrator password
  4. Follow prompts on the device to configure it. Refer to the user guide or your supplier for assistance if required. In general this will require you to accept terms and conditions and then configure a number of device / account settings.

    Whilst settings vary from one device to another and may change with Teams Room updates, the following fields cover most variations (you will only need to use the settings available on your device):

    Setting Configuration
    Email The resource account address in the form abcd1234@OX.AC.UK
    Teams Same as the email field above
    Exchange sign-in Same as the email field above
    Password The password for the resource account
    Supported meeting mode Microsoft Teams (default)
    Modern Authentication On
    Domain\username Leave blank
    Configure domain Leave blank
    Bluetooth beaconing Off
    Auto screen-sharing On
    Hide meeting names Off
    Dual monitor mode Off (unless you are connecting a second monitor to display shared content)
    Options and Third party meetings Enable all options
    Join with room info On

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