- Continue to upload papers to your existing SharePoint committee site if you have one. If you don’t then ask your local SharePoint administrator to create one for you
- If you have an Outlook meeting already set up for the committee then change it to a Teams meeting. See: Arranging a meeting in Teams
- If you do not have an Outlook meeting then create a new meeting in Outlook inviting all the attendees and make it a Team meeting. See: Arranging a meeting in Teams
- Insert the agenda and links to papers into your Outlook meeting invite
Members will join the meeting via the link in their Outlook meeting invite but they will also see a ‘Join Meeting’ button in their calendar
Additional attendees can be added to the meeting
Select the Attendee tool button and then type the name of the person you would like to invite when needed and then should be asked to leave/hang up when their part of the meeting is complete.
Video delivers the highest levels of engagement but requires good internet connections. We recommend that video is used to confirm identity/attendance but switched off once the meeting starts or the attendee is confirmed
It is recommended that you adjust your agenda to allow for 5 minutes of settling in time before commencing the main business of the meeting
At the start of the meeting please explain how the meeting is going to be run. This can include recommending that questions are first posted to the chat window and reassuring everyone that at the end of each agenda item you will be canvassing all participants
We recommend that someone is nominated to monitor the chat list who can then alert the chair to any activity.
Notes can be taken throughout the meeting using the Notes facility
For people with audio difficulties you can also enable captions to be turned on which will (in real time) convert chat to text
It is also recommended that participants mute their microphones at the beginning (or the Chair chooses ‘mute all’) only unmuting when they wish to speak
If the meeting has attendees then please add them into the call when needed and use the attendees list to check that they have left the meeting when requested
At the end of the meeting please allow a period of time for remaining chat messages to come through before closing the meeting
At the end of the meeting upload the minutes to your existing SharePoint site
If there have been any technical difficulties which resulted in participants leaving the meeting these should be recorded in the minutes