How to use BeyondTrust Remote Support

BeyondTrust Remote Support is a secure remote support tool that has been purchased by IT Services and made available to University IT support staff on a subscription basis.

The service has a number of features, though only the remote support tool with a temporary downloadable client are currently available. Additional features will be trialled by IT Services and may be made available in the future.

The tool is fully integrated into Oxford Service Manager (OSM), but can also be used outside of this.

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University IT support staff can request access to BeyondTrust Remote Support by completing the BeyondTrust Remote Support Access service request.

Permission must be obtained from your budget holder for the service's annual subscription, and people requesting access must adhere to the remote support code of conduct.

The BeyondTrust remote support access service request must be completed before proceeding with the installation.

Windows, macOS or Linux

  1. In a web browser, access the BeyondTrust Remote Support Administrative Interface
  2. Select SAML Credentials, then log in using your single sign-on (SSO) credentials
  3. Select the required operating system from the Choose Platform drop-down (for Windows, either option should be fine)
  5. Run the downloaded installer, accepting all default installer values

Android or iOS (5.0 or higher)

  1. Install the BeyondTrust Rep Console from the device's app store
  2. In the App, for Site Address provide
  3. When prompted, provide your single sign-on (SSO) credentials

Launch the application

Sessions are started from the Representative Console, which OSM users can launch from an OSM incident.

Using the Representative Console

  1. Open the Representative Console application
  2. Login using SAML Credentials then provide your single sign-on (SSO) details
  3. Select Session Key

Using OSM

  1. Within an OSM incident, select REMOTE SUPPORT
  2. Run the file downloaded by your web browser
  3. When the Representative Console starts, login using SAML Credentials then provide your single sign-on (SSO) detials

Connect to the device

BeyondTrust Remote Support can connect to almost any device with a web browser and internet connection.

  1. Either guide the customer to the support portal or invite them by email:
    • To guide the customer, advise they go to then provide the Session Key
    • To email the customer, select Send > Send Server Email then provide their email address
  2. The customer should follow the emailed or onscreen instructions to download and run a small temporary file
  3. Confirm the prompt to accept the incomming connection
  4. The customer must then confirm their prompt to allow access

During the remote session

  • You must adhere to the remote support code of conduct
  • Only one of the customers screens will be displayed, you may need to switch screens if the device has more than one
  • Sessions will reconnect following a disconnection, such as with a device restart, until the session is manually terminated
  • At the end of the session, select X > End Session

Each remote support session is recorded.

  • Session recordings are kept for 90 days
  • Recordings are hosted onsite by IT Services
  • Only the system administrators can view recordings
  • OSM users can access an incident's recordings or text chat from its BOMGAR SESSIONS tab

BeyondTrust Remote Support code of conduct

When using the BeyondTrust Remote Support tool, remember that the use of an individual's PC by another person, particularly when they are not physically present, requires mutual trust which must be maintained throughout the period of use.

When making use of remote support:

  • DO establish telephone contact, and maintain this contact with the user throughout the session wherever possible.
  • DO ask the customer to close any windows containing potentially sensitive material before their machine is taken over.
  • DO explicitly ask the customer to give permission to allow their machine to be taken over; the tool should be used only after permission has been granted.
  • DO inform the customer when the remote control session has been closed, and the outcome of the work performed.

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