Card Code | Status | IT Services code | Entitlement Group |
MC | Congregation (from Register of Congregation) | senmem | full |
US | University Staff (on payroll) | staff | full |
FS | Retiree approved by a dept or college | ret | retired |
FR | Retiree | retfr | retired |
FB | Retiree (no service entitlements) | n/a | n/a |
AV | Academic Visitor | visitor | full |
DS | Departmental Staff | dept | full |
CS | College Staff | college | full |
GT/GR | Postgraduate (from SITS) | postgrad | postgrad |
UG | Undergraduate (from SITS) | undergrad | undergrad |
VR | Visiting/Recognized Student (from SITS) | student | undergrad |
PT | Part Time (Continuing Education - unmatriculated) | undergrad | undergrad |
VD | Departmental Visiting Student ( email address) | student | undergrad |
VV | Departmental Visiting Student ( email address) | student | undergrad |
VC [1] | College Visiting Student ( email address) | student | undergrad |
CL/CB | Cardholder (unit member, not a University member) | cardholder | cardholder |
VA/VX | Virtual Access (neither unit nor University member) | virtual | virtual |
Non-card status: leaver | Students in the 23 months after their University Card has expired (neither unit nor University member) | leaver | leaver |
[1] For University Card Office internal use only.
No access to any IT Service-managed facilities is granted by any other card types, including:
- Bodleian Reader
- Temporary Pass
- UNIQ Summer School
For more information about University Cards, see the University Card site.